Spring to Sandtrap Slideshow

BTS Press Conference in Discovery Park

Friday, October 2, 2009

AB408 agricultural runoff. nonpoint source pollution and water quality in the Sa

Below The Surface Press Conference in Discovery Park. Sacramento, CA

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Day 8 - The Sewerage Debacle

We took Sacramento by storm yesterday, putting in at the Virgin Sturgeon bar and continuing south to Clarksburg.  As we wove our way from riverbank to riverbank, assessing the shoreline and myriad intake and outfall pipes, piers and waterfront scenery, we stumbled upon a massive concrete slab starting at the top of the levee and running into the water.  Two parallel pipes nearly 40 feet in length with several small outfall ports run across the top.  Below these pipes, the entire concrete face of the levee - nearly 40 feet to the water - is covered in a thick crusted brown and rust colored substance.  There were no signes indicating the content of the pipes and their effluent, they are just there without warning other than "Caution - Stay Off".  Whatever is coming out of those pipes isn't good for the marine life up and downstream or as a supplement to our drinking water supply, given the amount of corrosion on the concrete face of the levee wall (the river water is so turbid and filled with algae that one cannot see more than a few inches below the surface).

Continuing downstream under the Freeport Bridge, we couldn't help but notice the overwhelming smell of sewerage and detergents lingering on the river like a fog over a lake in the early morning hours.  As we continued to paddle and wonder at the source, we heard a rush of water about 3/4 of a mile downstream and came upon a large - perhaps 36 inch diameter - outfall pipe that stank of sewerage.  The end of the pipe has a cast iron hood over the end of it, which was pulsating riverward from the pressure of water behind it.  The water spewing forth into our riverine highway and major drinking water source is full of thick, robust chunks of algae and other growth - a sure sign of the high "nutrient" content often associated with sewerage.  Such practice of dumping sewerage into our rivers, lakes and oceans has been the standard for "wastewater disposal" throughout much of human history (save for some more forward thinking groups and societies).  The Environmental Protection Agency regulates sewerage discharge as such.  Perhaps time for a more proactive use of this water - not as waste but as a source (a practice utilized by many of the more progressive wastewater agencies throughout the world - we'll continue that conversation over a relaxing and tasty pint of Alaskan Brewing Company's Smoked Porter).

The paddle was slow and boring.  As we found out from Harbormaster James in Clarksburg, we are technically in the Delta now, and as such the river (and our humble vessel and aching backs) are subject to the changing tides of the ocean - nearly 200 nautical miles from the ocean!  The incoming tide travels approxmiately 1 1/2 knots upstream, fast enough to counteract the downstream flow.  This amounts to paddling across a still body of water - no more current to carry us south.

We have about 40 miles to go until we hit the Delta - nearly 260 miles behind us.  Today is our press conference, so we're off to Discovery Park.  Tilt back a fresh cup of coffee (not too fast, lest your lips scald like a canoe-paddlin' man's after a week and a half in the sun), and email your local Assembly Member and demand they hold water polluters accountable so your coffee can continue to taste like coffee.

A toute suite,


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gone fishin' or fish gone?

I fished for 3 hours without seeing anything in the river. No fish jumping, just algae covered rocks along the littered shore of the levee. Pigeons, seagulls, and crows in place of osprey, bald eagles, and salmon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 7 - Sacramento!

Kristian and I paddled through increasingly still and turbid waters
today. Despite the fact that we intersected with another river, the
Feather River, the flow rate appeared to decrease (it took us nearly 8
hours to cover approximately 25 miles - one of the slowest days yet).
Nevertheless, we have made it to Sacramento - we'll be passing through
West Sacramento near the Capitol building tomorrow.

The confluence of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers is a beautiful
sight. The isthmus between the two rivers draws a stark contrast
between the highly turbid algal green hue of the Lower Sacramento and
the healthy clear blue of the Feather River. Alas, this is merely a
Maginot Line, as the distinct colors meld into the shade of green
reminiscent of the Sacramento River we've traveled over the last few

Over our rather humdrum paddle, we counted 2 car doors, Kristian
pointed out the well decomposed shell of a car, the seat from a car, a
sofa and assorted trash and post consumer waste. One person was so
considerate as to at least bag the trash prior to leaving it on the
river bank. It is frustrating to see our drinking water source (and
the downstream portion of such a beautiful body of water and sustainer
of life) treated with such disregard. This is, nevertheless, a strong
call to action for all of us. Rivers provide an element that is the
essence of life, and it is our duty to protect them - lest we destroy
our means of survival.

Fortunately, the wind was across the starboard side of the boat and
against our stern today, so we weren't fighting Ma' Nature the entire

We'll be hosting a press conference at Discovery Park in Sacramento
near the confluence of the American and Sacramento Rivers on Friday
October 2 2009 at 10 am. email me - jared@belowthesurface.org for the
media alert, and please tell at least 3 people about it. Thanks for
the support!

Jared Robinson Criscuolo

A coast-to-coast exploration of America's waterways
203 887 3272


Hold On To Your Butt

hold onto your butt

While driving down the 113, we noticed a fire to the side of the offramp and quickly pulled over and called 911.  The fire chief said it was most likely caused by someone throwing a cigarette butt out the window.  The passenger in the truck that day was Manase Mansur from Surfrider and he promotes a campaign entitled "Hold On To Your Butt" that aims to prevent pollution through cigarette butt litter and also the damage that flaming embers cause to property.  Once the authorities were called, we took the opportunity to promote this campaign with the visual evidence of the damage of a "wildfire" caused by an irresponsible smoker throwing their butt out the window.  If you see someone do this, you can report them to the authorities by calling 1-877-211-2888 and providing their license plate to the CHP.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 6 - The Media Blitz

What would a good water expedition be without some high profile media
exposure? We spent today resting weary appendiges after 5 days of
continuous paddling in a Starbucks (Schultz for Future Sponsor?) in
the quaint village of Knights Landing, CA. After hours of phone calls
to friends old and new and a few iterations of a media alert, we hope
to host a press conference at the Capitol Dome in Sacramento on
Friday. The only wildcard is that we are waiting on final word from
the CHP on our permit (please help us out guys!)

When we get the final go-ahead, we will release a draft box full of
emails announcing the date/time/location.

Tomorrow, Kristian and I are back on the river, making for Rio Ramaza
Marina tomorrow night, and then heading through West Sacramento on
Thursday. May the road rise up to meet us... may the wind be at our
backs (unlike Monday)..

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brutal headwinds but still making miles

Day 5 - Sutton County boat ramp, heading back to camp to prepare for press conference on Friday in Sacramento.

Almost Halfway There!

Undaunted by sore shoulders, arms and backs, oppressive heat and the
occaisional angry cow, we are pressing on south. Pulling out of
Colusa State Park, we're getting into a narrow section of river with
swamp areas choked with algae and plants, rocks and trees are covered
in river slime and we are surounded by farms. Water quality is
visually worse (and smells a bit less than satisfactory). We've seen
fertilizer facilities, farms, and still wildlife, all existing in and
around one of the main drinking and irrigation water supplies for

Jared Robinson Criscuolo

A coast-to-coast exploration of America's waterways
203 887 3272


Sunday, September 27, 2009